A Day Of Rage

Posted: 17th July 2016 by Taxi Hack in Uncategorized


I know I promised an explanation for my lack of posting recently, completely forgetting that I had family flying into town from out west, with my duties including tour guide and driver, pool cleaner, and BBQ master, and pretty much all the cleanup as well. I never realized how many towels seven people can burn through in a day, especially with beach trips and a swimming pool on the back deck. Now they are gone and things are settling back into routine, and today I find myself at home alone while my wife is out meeting some clients. I have been extremely upset the last few weeks, so I thought I would seize this moment for a little therapy.

I can barely stand to turn on the news anymore. A perfect shitstorm that shows no sign of abating… indeed, it seems to still be gathering strength, and I wake every day waiting for someone to strike the match that blows it all up. I was just thunderstruck that Hillary did indeed turn out to be Too Big To Jail, but I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised; if an Obama henchman like Lois Lerner didn’t take a fall, Hillary Clinton certainly won’t either. This is exactly what I was talking about in The Pig Trap… the political class, and the rest of us. The fix is in, and has been from the beginning, which is why she said months ago that she would not be indicted. Bill and Loretta Lynch meeting in a private plane is just them laughing at us, folks. They aren’t even bothering to TRY to look above board. They are sneering at us, and they just don’t give a fuck about “appearances”.

I’m not a lawyer, but the equation seems plain enough to me; Hillary freely admits she used an unsecured server to conduct her work, but says no classified documents were ever on it. Well, if that is true, how did she do her job as Secretary of State? The SoS MUST read classified material in order to function. And as expected, classified material WAS found on her server. A Hotmail account would have been far more secure than her own server in the bathroom with the remote controls left on. You can bet with absolute certainty that ALL her email is in the hands of the Russians, the Chinese, Iranians, Israelis, North Koreans, British, French, Saudis, and probably the Canadians and the Congolese, too. Hell, ISIS might even have them. But because she is of the elite, she can delete documents under subpoena and lie to the public without consequence.

Laws are for the little people.

But the real reason she wasn’t prosecuted is because she exchanged mail with Obama, and that means HE KNEW. Are you telling me he didn’t look at the “To” and “From” fields of his email, and didn’t notice that it wasn’t a .gov address? Nobody else noticed?

Horseshit. Of course Obama knew, and he certainly understood that her motives and rationale for this was to avoid Congressional oversight, hell, he might have a personal server too. But he won’t have his legacy tarnished by Hillary’s treasonous email practices; were she to actually go to trial, Obama would be the first witness called. So she knew with complete certainty BEFORE the press conference where she admitted the existence of the personal server that this would be inconvenient at worst, but she knew it would never get to a grand jury.

I’m not a lawyer, but is there any precedent for overturning or nullifying a Presidential pardon? There are several cases to be made, if that is possible.

If Hillary Clinton wins this election, I predict the Second Civil War will begin before 2020. If she wins with the appearance of voter fraud, I give it ten or twelve weeks. Here’s a video that shows how easy it is to manipulate voting machines. I am reminded of Stalin’s quote, “It doesn’t matter who votes, it matters who counts the votes.” This video could have been edited tighter, but it is worth watching all the way through, just so you know how easy it is for the elites to rig an election. (Hat tip- Wirecutter.)

This is why we must vote Trump. I have said many times that I backed Cruz, but even though Trump steps on his dick every other day, Hillary must not win the White House. I don’t care if he drops Mike Pence tomorrow and selects Ozzy Osbourne or Carrot Top or Larry the Cable Guy as VP, Trump is the only thing standing athwart civil war. I hope that Trump is smart enough to surround himself with the right people and heed their counsel. Trump is a manager; he doesn’t know jack about concrete or electrical or plumbing, but if the fire sprinklers aren’t working on the 39th floor of one of his buildings, he knows who to call to get it fixed NOW. I hope that is what he brings to office.

And no matter who wins in November, the first order of business will be dealing with Islam, before people start taking matters into their own hands. Obama hasn’t done shit, and the kindest explanation is that his Muslim upbringing makes him loathe to think of Islam as The Bad Guys. I get it, millions of Muslims never break a law or pick up a gun… we have one of those guys in my company. But if ISIS is not crushed, shit like Orlando and Paris and Nice will be weekly events. I have several ideas on how to facilitate that, but posting my suggestions online might draw attention I simply don’t have time for. Islamic terrorism cannot be appeased and cannot be negotiated with, so it must be marginalized, denounced, and utterly obliterated everywhere it is found.

Personally, I am OK with surveilling or even closing mosques that produce terrorists. Fuck them… bulldoze them all and put up a park with eco-friendly bike paths. America did fine for a long time without them. Don’t bring up the First Amendment and freedom of religion; Islam is not a religion, it is a theocratic form of government that is antithetical to our Constitution and Western civilization. The ultimate goal of Islam is world domination, and fanatics have proven themselves to be willing to bring about that goal with violence, if necessary. These people will bomb you, shoot you, stab you, decapitate you, drown you, or burn you alive, given the chance.

When was the last time you saw a picture of anyone other than a Muslim slashing someone’s throat or holding a severed head?

We should ignore sovereign boundaries and drone strike any Islamist posting videos on YouTube, no matter where they are. We can certainly dial in their IP address and level the corresponding building. I can’t believe there is a single woman or gay person in America that speaks for “tolerance” and “diversity” when it comes to Islam. How fucking stupid can a person possibly be? How do you “coexist” with someone that wants to cut off your head? How does an idiot like that remember to breathe?

Terrorism isn’t hard; the truck attack in Nice proves that. Back when Gabby Giffords was shot, there was a loud call for more gun control, but I just shrugged. I said back then that Loughner could have easily doubled the body count with a Ford F-150 pickup. I have no military training, no tactical expertise, but I can dream up a horrific terrorist attack off the top of my head… how about Supersoakers filled with gasoline at a playground? Or at a Sunday school? Or at a mosque?

Here’s another extemporaneous plot… start with 20 guys, just like 9-11. OK, one guy fucks up and only 19 make it to a mall in Chicago or Boston or Des Moines… Christmas Eve 2016, the day before the biggest day on the Christian calendar. It’s cold as hell, and people in long coats don’t stand out. The nineteen men all have AK47 underfolders on slings under their coats, along with six thirty-round magazines in their pockets. Of course, armed security guards and maybe even police officers are everywhere, but the mall is packed, and they can’t keep their eye on everyone. The nineteen men all wander around and position themselves close to the guards, behind them if possible, and at precisely 11:20 am, they all whip out their guns, mow down the cops and guards, and spend the rest of their time shooting every shopper they see. When the shooting starts, they have 3,990 rounds of 7.62×39 ammo, much more lethal at close range than the bullet fired by an AR15. Assuming most of them can stay calm, keep their shit together, and aim for center-mass, what will that body count add up to? Some gun snobs heap scorn upon AK’s, but they would admit that there are few weapons more lethal at twenty or thirty or forty feet… these guys could easily eclipse the death toll of 9-11.

If I can think up this shit, so can Muslim terrorists.

And on the subject of terrorism, Black Lives Matter keeps making the news, singing the blues and screeching incoherently about feral Trayvons resisting arrest and pulling guns on cops, and subsequently getting shot. Have you noticed that black guys working at insurance companies or going to college or mowing their lawn or busting their asses on a construction site never get shot? If they do, it was almost certainly a Trayvon that shot them.

No, it is always some thug, some criminal hoodlum, some jackass that doesn’t have the sense to put down the blunt and answer an officer’s questions without wrestling with him or pulling a gun. These are the people they hold up as heroes, the people that are symbols of their supposed “oppression”… fuck them. Fuck them all. I don’t give a shit about a single one of them. I am glad my taxes aren’t paying to feed them in prison.

This week, the dirtbag du jour is Alton Sterling… a pedophile drug dealer in possession of an illegal gun that would not cooperate with officers dispatched by a 911 call about a Trayvon at a convenience store threatening people with a gun. He was tasered but would not go down, and so an officer brought him to the ground. He reached for a gun, and was subsequently shot. I commend the officer for keeping his scumbag out of the penal system and out of the gene pool. This will be determined to be a good shoot, and the cycle will start again, and there will be protests and violence and outcry from the other Trayvons that support and lionize the criminal element in our society.

Before you call me a racist, this has nothing to do with race. I wholeheartedly approve of police officers shooting white pedophile drug dealers that resist arrest and reach for a gun.

Make no mistake, Black Lives Matter is a domestic terrorist organization, and they are responsible for more killings in the last year than the KKK in the last fifty years. Let me repeat that: Black Lives Matter is responsible for more killings in the last year than the KKK in the last fifty. You would think that the current administration would disavow them, at least say that they “acted stupidly”, but no… President Obama was meeting with that evil little faggot homonculus Deray McKesson just days after a Black Lives Matter racist killed five cops in Dallas. Obama stood in front of grieving families and called their dead fathers and sons and brothers racists, not heroic civil servants protecting the First Amendment rights of these thugs and criminals, not to mention the racist animal that shot them.

And now I am hearing three officers were killed in an ambush in Baton Rouge… details are still sketchy, but I would bet next week’s pay that I already know what happened.

Black Lives Matter has zero legitimacy. If they truly gave a shit about black lives, they would be addressing the horrific bloodbaths in inner city neighborhoods in Chicago and Baltimore and Oakland, not blocking traffic and applauding cop killers on Twitter. Check out some statistics here. Killing police officers pisses off law-abiding people of all races, and we all think you are vermin. Law-abiding people do not support you at all, and every time a policeman is killed, we despise you even more. You only exist because we ARE law-abiding, but after New York, Dallas, and now Baton Rouge, our goodwill is wearing thin.

If you call me on the phone for a taxi ride and you turn out to be an asshole, I save your number in my contacts under the name “No Service”. The next time you call, I’m not picking you up, I’m not even answering the phone. I think the police need to start a “No Service” list. All Black Lives Matter terrorists and criminals participating in illegal road blockages and other criminal acts should be identified, and if they ever call 911, no matter what their emergency, the police should decline to go. Don’t even answer the phone.

You applaud cop killers? Handle shit on your own. You are probably calling because of another Trayvon anyway… an officer might get injured coming to your rescue. Besides, a law-abiding citizen might have a cat stuck in a tree, which is a much more appropriate allocation of limited law enforcement resources.

I have seen multiple black people on Twitter openly calling for a race war. These people aren’t very smart, and have particularly poor math skills. Blacks make up a mere 13% of the population, but what they forget is that law-abiding black people will be on OUR side. None of the black people I know will join you, they think you are scum and they have to go to work.

The other thing they don’t get is that white people, properly motivated, are capable of terrifying savagery. As a student of history, I know precisely what “my people” are capable of doing. For centuries, people knew that when you saw those blue eyes sailing out of the north, you need to run, or things are going to go badly for you. If you get white people pissed off enough to get off the couch and load their guns, you’re toast. Like I said, you exist only because we are law-abiding. If it looks like rule of law has dissolved, it will be open season on you.

Some jaggoff called for a “Day of Rage” on the internet a few days ago, calling for riots and demonstrations in numerous cities, but fortunately, nothing became of it. Sick racial agitators like Deray and Shaun King screech about cops killing criminals, then act innocent when people respond to their rhetoric with murder and violence and more criminal activity. Shaun King is mentally ill; he is as white as the Pillsbury Doughboy, but he believes he is black, and has somehow convinced these idiots that he is a black civil rights leader. That’s how smart the Black Lives Matter stooges are. I don’t know how these clowns like Shaun and Deray pay their bills; race-baiting and instigating riots and blocking streets and agitating cop killers seems to be a full time job for them. This website puts forth a theory; honestly, I don’t have time to research the veracity of this, and I don’t really care anyway. All I want is for these lies and this violence and this hate to end peacefully, before it ends violently. As Hack’s Axiom states, what can not go on, will NOT go on.

Shaun and Deray should drop to their knees and pray to God that law-abiding citizens don’t get fed up with their shit and decide to take off work and have their own Day of Rage next Tuesday… I’m betting it would go very badly for them.

I pray it won’t be necessary.

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  1. Big Al says:

    Well said. Good article.

  2. Charlie Primero says:

    The idea that 300 million diverse people could live under a single government is absurd. It always has been.

    The practical, sane solution is for different peoples to have their own local governments with their own police forces, schools, social organizations, and self-governments.

    Good fences make for good neighbours and maintain diversity. No more U.S. wars. No more Agenda 21. No more Federal Reserve funded Oligarchs. No more Drug War.

  3. BigAlSouth says:

    Nice read.

    You are dead on about the Hillary Question that I have been asking for months as well. If she never “sent or received emails marked ‘classified’ on her server”, how the hell did she do her job? How did she process classified material? Hard copy? This defies logic.

    If Hillary Clinton wins, it will only be the result of massive electronic voter fraud. I am comforted in the daily examples showing that NOBODY likes her. (Save the 38% who would vote for Stalin if he were the Dem nominee.)

  4. […] CornucopiaA Day of Rage: Taxicab DepressionsDeep Thoughts by BO-rack: SondrakistanMonday Pun: Grouchy Old Cripple […]

  5. DriverRob says:

    Well done! Never really thought about your comparison of Black Lives Matter to the KKK, but it is a perfect analogy.

    What we have to have happen to avoid major violence going forward is for all leaders of Blacks to renounce the BLM’s call to violence. That must be denounced openly and vehemently, just as the KKK is denounced immediately today. The KKK’s once immense power is gone, but will come back, perhaps under another name, if this call for war on the police and white people continues. As you say, the police cannot protect everyone and black are overall a 13 percent minority.

    I do have to say, however, that those police who believe they can use lethal force and get away with it when they are having a bad day or simply decide they have had enough from a suspect, have to be kicked out and punished. If this is their training, that has to stop, too, or the people as a whole will unite against those police departments who continue to use too much force for the situation. Breaking down the door and shooting the dogs immediately is rarely called for, yet that now seems to be the routine. It is an overlooked fact in the current ‘days of rage’ that the police are killing more white people than black people, so it not simply black people only being shot. This idea that you can shoot when you feel threatened has got to stop.

    • LetsPlay says:

      You said it Brother … “but will come back, perhaps under another name.” Well, BLM is just Black Liberation Movement under another, new, name.

  6. Steve O says:

    Wow that was a great article, all points are true and EVERY normal person should read this and be very aware that patience on all levels is nearly at the breaking point. Good to see you back in the saddle take care and be safe Steve O

  7. brinster says:

    Funny not much, if anything, has been investigated about who/where her emails were sent to. Some entity received HRC’s emails, and if she sent them to multiple addresses, a lot of people are sitting on evidence enough to send her to Fed prison. Maybe reopen Alcatraz to commemorate her traitorous actions.

  8. brinster says:

    I play in a church group, and during the service, the pastor asked the congregation what the Lord has delivered them from. One black gent stood up and said he was delivered from racism. That took a whole lot of guts, especially considering this church is in the heart of “crackerland,” SW VA. Had to talk to the man before leaving. Told him he was courageous. We had a short discussion about how evil racism is; how destructive it is. We shook hands and hugged before I left. I’ll be glad to see him again.

  9. B Woodman says:

    If I were to copy and post this on my FB page, my son and daughter-in-law (from socialist Canadia) would screech fit to wake the dead.

  10. Rob McCarthy says:

    Well said Hack ! And you are right on all points. Especially Shawn King, who seems dead set on being the next Sharpton.

  11. hillbillyjim says:

    Great job of connecting the dots. Thank you, Mr. Hack. You have been missed by many of the HotDeadAir refugees. Keep up the good work.

  12. LetsPlay says:

    Welcome back Hack!

  13. Petercat says:

    Thank you, hack. It’s been a long wait, glad you’ve returned.

  14. […] QOTD: “Make no mistake, Black Lives Matter is a domestic terrorist organization, and they are responsible for more killings in the last year than the KKK in the last fifty years. Let me repeat that: Black Lives Matter is responsible for more killings in the last year than the KKK in the last fifty. You would think that the current administration would disavow them, at least say that they “acted stupidly”, but no… President Obama was meeting with that evil little … homonculus Deray McKesson just days after a Black Lives Matter racist killed five cops in Dallas. Obama stood in front of grieving families and called their dead fathers and sons and brothers racists, not heroic civil servants protecting the First Amendment rights of these thugs and criminals, not to mention the racist animal that shot them.” —Taxi Hack […]

  15. I agree that a Clinton win would shortly result in the next civil war, quicker if more widespread cheating is proven.
    Remember that (black) poll worker that voted for Barack Obama seven times in 2012? She was only charged because she was so stupid as to boast on video about it and then charged and sentenced as leniently as possible. What most people don’t know is that she only served a few weeks before a (Democrat) Judge released her. She was whisked away to a rally by Al Sharpton (unbelievable, you can’t make this stuff up, it’s too wild!) and took her bows before a cheering crowd.
    To Democrats in general and blacks specificly, there is no such thing as ‘vote fraud’, just getting the ‘Right’ results on election day.

    But what they don’t understand is that, for us, if recourse and redress by way of the ballot box is corupted and those institutions we need to believe in are subverted, The IRS, Courts and (Why is there the EPA, or the Department of Education in the first place?) any other branch of the Federal Bureaucracy that exerts control over our lives, then we will form the militias again. And…
    …”When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another…”

  16. […] “Make no mistake, Black Lives Matter is a domestic terrorist organization, and they are responsible for more killings in the last year than the KKK in the last fifty years. Let me repeat that: Black Lives Matter is responsible for more killings in the last year than the KKK in the last fifty. You would think that the current administration would disavow them, at least say that they “acted stupidly”, but no… President Obama was meeting with that evil little … homonculus Deray McKesson just days after a Black Lives Matter racist killed five cops in Dallas. Obama stood in front of grieving families and called their dead fathers and sons and brothers racists, not heroic civil servants protecting the First Amendment rights of these thugs and criminals, not to mention the racist animal that shot them.” —Taxi Hack […]

  17. Gal Spunes says:

    YOU’RE BACK !!!


  18. Gal Spunes says:

    As evil as the POS was, let’s face it…one person, with basic training, armed with a rather basic semi-auto rifle, brought the city of Dallas PD & SWAT to their knees for a few hours. What would millions of armed people be able to accomplish?

    We have 80-100 million armed Americans. Even assuming a paltry 3% stand and fight…that’s a few million Americans versus the government.

    The government doesn’t stand a chance.

    The 2nd American Revolution will be concluded within a fortnight.

    DC will be reduced to [metaphorical] rubble.

  19. Fuel Filter says:

    When blacks get pissed, cities burn.

    When whites get pissed, nations burn.

    As you said…

  20. Ken says:

    Well said Taxi Hack. Good to see something new from you. Take care and keep up your writing.

  21. Janet Spangler says:

    So glad you’re back! Missed your writing and your wit!