Posts Tagged ‘Douchebags’

My First Attempt At Political Heckling

Posted: 21st October 2014 by Taxi Hack in Uncategorized
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Never before has it happened that a post here gets both the Politics and Douchebags tags, but here we are. I was sitting in one of my favorite spots downtown several days ago, when a silver SUV pulled up a few parking spaces away, and a fashionable guy in a tie got out and went […]

The Inside Baseball Of Driving A Taxi

Posted: 28th June 2014 by Taxi Hack in Uncategorized
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One of my fellow hacks in my company has told me on more than one occasion that I should write more about the business aspects of driving a taxi. I asked him why, and he says that he gets asked about it all the time, that people are interested in the minutiae of taxi driving, […]

Our Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan have a motto they live by, and it works pretty good for taxi drivers as well… “Be polite, be professional, and have a plan to kill every person you meet.” Very sound and prudent advice, indeed. So a guy flags me down at bar close and he looks OK… […]

Let’s Advance The Discussion

Posted: 20th December 2012 by Taxi Hack in Uncategorized
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I have grown to truly loathe liberals in the last decade or two… they are the worst sorts of hypocrites, and frankly, just fucking stupid, and most of them simply can’t be reasoned with. I used to like debating them, thinking that I might, just might, teach them to think for themselves, but honestly, it […]

You went out to the bar Friday night a few weeks ago, knowing full well that you would be an obnoxious wasted moron by closing time, so you called my taxi company to take you there. A safe, courteous, and professional driver took you to the bar, and because that driver likes to hang out […]